[Review] Tea Tree Cleansing Wipes From The Body Shop

[Review] Tea Tree Cleansing Wipes From The Body Shop

Holla chicas...
This time I am back with a review of  The Body Shop products, products that will be my review this time is the cleansing wipes. As you know, if I was the mother of a very active todd…
Event Report Beauty Statement with Mustika Ratu

Event Report Beauty Statement with Mustika Ratu

Beberapa waktu yang lalu aku mendapat undangan dari Mustika Ratu untuk menghadiri acara peluncuran produk barunya yang bertajuk "The Scent of Beauty".

Acara ini diadakan untuk memperkenalk…
[Review] Utama Spice Lip Balm in Cocoa, Wellkiss and Peppermint

[Review] Utama Spice Lip Balm in Cocoa, Wellkiss and Peppermint

Hello, this time I am back with another review.
This time I will review products from Utama Spice , Utama Spice is a traditional skin care company based in Ubud, Bali.
I know about Utama Spice becau…
[Travel Destination] Singapore Holiday Day 2

[Travel Destination] Singapore Holiday Day 2

Hallo, akhirnya aku bisa menulis tentang hari kedua liburan kami di Singapore. Maaf ya rentang waktunya lama banget karena akhir-akhir ini aku sibuk banget. Dan aku agak kesulitan menyesuaikan waktu…