[Review] L'Oreal White Perfect Series

[Review] L'Oreal White Perfect Series

Helloo ...
Siapa yang suka kulit putih ala wanita Korea?
Sebenarnya sih aku tidak terlalu peduli dengan warna kulit, asal bersih, sehat dan enak dipandang itu sudah cukup. Namun karena aku sering me…
"Beauty Start with the Right Tools", thats why we need good quality brush

"Beauty Start with the Right Tools", thats why we need good quality brush

Halloo, kali ini saya akan membahas tentang senjata para MUA, apakah itu? Kalau ada yang jawab "Kuas" yak kalian bener sekali. MUA paling jago sekalipun ga mungkin menghasilkan makeup yang …
[Review] b.liv - off with those heads by Cellnique

[Review] b.liv - off with those heads by Cellnique

A few weeks ago I got a package from b.liv Indonesia, I wil explain a bit for you who are not familiar with b.liv.
In 2006, Cellnique introduced the world’s first beauty-salon-formulated blackhead and…
[Review] Wishtrend - Blackhead Steam Pore Pack from Caolion

[Review] Wishtrend - Blackhead Steam Pore Pack from Caolion

Who has not had a problem with the blackhead and whitehead?
If there is, I envy you because my nose is full of blackhead is also whitehead.
Usually I use the pore pack to eliminate them, but usually…
Memebox Collaboration #2 Feat Cutie Pie Marzia [Unboxing]

Memebox Collaboration #2 Feat Cutie Pie Marzia [Unboxing]

Back again with unboxing MEMEBOX, of course you guys know how I love to MEMEBOX right? XD 
What is MEMEBOX? MEMEBOX is a box service company, offering a wide amount of different beauty boxes…